John 3: 16 (NIV)

John 3:16 (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Last week we were in Maradi for Orientation.  Mainly learned some historical facts about SIM, some of the do's and do not's, and some great information of cultural nuances.  Also went to visit a couple of SIM stations in the area to see what was going on.

One of the interesting things was the concept of the Kola Nut.  This is a rather large, caffeine infussed nut, that you give as a gift to others on special occasions.  Supposed to be good when you are travelling and don't have access to Tim Horton's or any coffee.  In Canada you can tell the Tim Horton's addicts by their tremble and their eyes constantly on the look out for the next Timmy Fix.  I guess in Niger you can tell the Kola Nut users by the tint of red in their teeth.  Ah the excitement of caffeine.  Where would we be without it.

Grace actually got one of these nuts for a local lady on the compound and she was apparentlet quite delighted. They are cheap, about 200 francs, and are a great gift to give to people in the area.

Not that you needed a Kola nut on the road between Galmi and Maradi.  It was a grueling 4 hour ride on mostly pothole heaven.  More holes than road.  Vehicles often took off to dirt roads on the side.  Often the bus driver drove in the ditch for smoother running.  Plus the road is quite narrow so when you come to oncoming semi traffic you have to slow right down and pull well over to the side.  Then of course you have to deal with people and livestock on the roads.  So glad the bus had air conditioning.  The constant speeding up and stopping, and jerking sideways, certainly helps keep one awake.

There is great work being done by SIM in the Maradi area with a new Fistual clinic being built and the ongoing work at the Leprosarium.  We hope and pray that the final stages of the Fistula clinic will be soon completed.

Blessings to all

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