John 3: 16 (NIV)

John 3:16 (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

CEG Update

This past Friday we went to see how construction was going on the classrooms.  We learned that the government is no longer building 3 classrooms but 5.  We were super excited about this news.  Grace was so happy she cried.

This guy is making regular trips to ensure the bricks are wet to help the hardening process.

Lot's of hard manual labour involved.  The workers stay the night and sleep on top of the desks.  They do not want to be on the ground because of snakes.

Making sure the mixture has the right consistency.

Digging the wall foundation and making sure it is the right depth.

We are going to have a second toilet built just like this one.  Now there will be one for the boys and one for the girls.  That's a lot for 512 students - right?

Friday, June 28, 2013

Madaoua Trip

We recently did the mail pick trip to Madaoua.  Noticed how dry everything is and how there seems to be more and more desert happening.  The roads are narrow and dangerous.  The one truck below did not have a good day.

Samuel Update

Grandpa trying to teach Samuel to drive.

Visiting Samuel and Sara at the home of Sara's aunt.

CEG Update

Last week we were invited to the end of the school year celebration.  When we got there we were greeted by a work crew and the Minister of Education.  He told us about how much they appreciated all the work we had done at the school.  We then learned that the Government has decided to build 3 new classrooms.  The workers started the very next day.  After we had a meal with some of the teachers in a classroom.  The appetizer was chicken livers, gizzards, heart and intestine served with a sauce.  Actually was very good.  The main course, below, was guinea fowl served with an intense onion sauce.  It was served with baguettes and was delicious.

Our friend Ali shared the meal with us and Ayouba.

Manually cutting rebar to be used to make supports for the cement.

Manually bending rebar pieces for the reinforcements.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Bath Time

Yes, bath time at our house for Samuel.