John 3: 16 (NIV)

John 3:16 (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Our Anniversary

Grace and I just celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary. As luck would have it we were also offered the opportunity to use the truck of another missionary family while they are on home assignment for a year. We did have to go to Niamey to get the truck but this also allowed us to have a quiet weekend away for our anniversary. With Tuesday being a national holiday it also gave us the chance for an extended weekend.

While travelling back to Galmi we had one of the Kodak moments that so often happen when the camera is not available. As we are travelling through one of the communities we see on the back of a motorcycle an individual holding a very large pot on their head. As we got closer it actually looked like a goat was driving the motorcycle. They had positioned the goat in the front with its two front legs over the handle bar. The goat had its head raised and was facing forward, looking for all intents and purposes that it was in fact driving. Behind the goat was two people, one driver and the other holding the large pot. It would have made a very interesting photo.

We also noticed the bush taxi operators that had people crammed into their vehicles so tight they would not be able to move. These vehicles have no air conditioning and the days are extremely hot. Lucky are the ones next to the open windows. When I see how some of the people drive I am surprised that people have the courage, or whatever, to sit on the top of some of these vehicles and their loads.

As we travel between Galmi and Niamey it just seems that the Sahara is continuously growing. There are stretches that just show more and more desert like qualities. If I am not mistaken I believe the last rain received in Galmi was August 26, 2011. I marvel at some of the trees that remain full of green leaves despite the lack of moisture.

We look forward to the possibility of a good rainy season to quench the soil and soften the impact of the heat even though the rain brings other tragedy in the form of disease.

Galmi really is not a pretty place. Certainly not your top of the line vacation destinations. Galmi is a town of extremely aged buildings that are a throwback to the truly ancient of days. The town is littered with all forms of waste including the ever present plastic bags that cling and clutter so much of the landscape.

I have heard people say that if you travel to the absolute worst place in the world, then go another ten miles, there lay Galmi. I do not agree with this statement because Galmi has an amazing hospital and it has amazing people.

Blessings to all of you

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