John 3: 16 (NIV)

John 3:16 (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

typical day/ week

What does a typical day of language learning look like:

  • We get up at 6 am
  • We have formal class for approximately 4 hours a day
Then the fun begins, the additional requirements to make our language more comprehensive include:

  1. Meet with a french bible school student to read the scriptures 15 for minutes 4 times a week.
  2. Read school devotion program and write a small responce en francais daily.
  3. View or listen to 5 hours of French media a week (movies like Narnia are great in french), french news etc.
  4. Complete 5 hours per week of doing Rosetta Stone - a computer language learning program
  5. Have ten - 7 minute french conversations per week
  6. Do one French 'activity' per week, which is some type of social event where we hear lots of          French.  ie festival or curling event, etc.
  7. Read French newspapers/journals or other reading material preferrably daily
  8. Get homework done for the next day of classes and review the information for the following class to increase our comprehension of the material being covered.  On-line french helps are frequently utilized for comprehension and learning.
  9. Memorization and more memorization of bible verses and dialogues for class.
  10. Prepare oral presentations for class.
  11. Occasionally go on a class field trip.

Take some time to have quiet time alone, and with each other in english, to grow in faith and knowledge of our Lord.

Make meals, do laundry, buy groceries etc. - that which is necessary for daily living.

Try to remember to laugh a few times a day.

Wednesday includes 1 hour of French chapel in the morning, 1 hour of French Bible training in the afternoon, 1 hour of ladies/men's time for prayer and devotion.

Orest meets with 3 men at our apartment 2 times a week to enhance the french conversation and work
on preparing their testimonies.

Being immersed in French, to learn the lesson takes a lot of time and effort.  Only by God's grace can we survive and succeed - thankfully.