I heard a
message recently that was a reminder of days past when I would sit, in quiet,
and marvel at the wonder and beauty of God’ creation and His provision.
After I
heard this message, I remembered times in the Rocky Mountains, or times in a
boat fishing where it was peaceful and serene.
Even times when we were on a golf course all by ourselves. It was in these moments that I often
contemplated my life in Christ.
I remember one
instance of playing golf with Grace. We
were alone, and we came to one spot by a green.
I remember contemplating the joy of God at that time and sincerely
wishing to feel His presence in that place.
As was often the case, I had to search for my golf ball in the
surrounding woods. As I searched, I
stepped into a small clearing and there a few feet away was a fawn. It was a surreal moment where all seemed
intensely quiet and peaceful. The fawn
and I just looked at each other for several minutes. I remember the intense feeling of joy as I
thought how God had given me that reminder of his continued presence with those
who are His children.
For me, todays
work load, and environment, seem to make that time of quiet contemplation an
unfulfilled dream.
Now, in
Africa I find these quiet times of reflection when I close my doors to the
frenzied world outside. Everyday, our
home is wide open to our students, and the community we live in. Our home is also open to the noise, the dust,
the heat, the lizards and other pests.
It can overwhelm at times, but I do find sustenance in God’s Word, in
prayer and listening to worshipful music.
While it is
important to remember what God has done for us through Christ Jesus, it remains
equally important that we remember He is always with us and He will be with us
to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20 (NIV)
20 ……. And surely I am with you always, to the very
end of the age.”