I have just returned from my one month follow up appointment in Paris on my left eye. We are visiting Galmi en-route to follow up with our team doctor and see family. We feel blessed to celebrate their 5th year wedding anniversary. Several months ago their marriage was falling apart so this is particularly sweet blessing.
While here, I have begun experiencing the same symptoms in my right eye. Again, I have returned to Paris for medical evaluation. We have been so grateful how our medical insurance has taken such good care of me. The team doctors have been investigating the reoccurrences of this situation in the second eye and have found it would have likely happened within 3 years of the first eye, my case it just seems to be more rapid. It is my second detached vitreous(gel sac attached to the front of the retina) in 6 weeks. We are told to stay in Paris for one week, as this is the highest risk time for detached or torn retina to occur, so it would allow me seek medical intervention immediately.
I will take the time to bring you an update
on the safe house and prison ministry.
The prison had 28 residents, for more than a year we have been the only
group visiting the women on a regular bases.
We are been informed that the majority M.... religion is now also making
regular visits.
The news of the safe house is getting out
into the community. We have a new
resident from the community rather than the prison. Her name is Amina and her situation is
extraordinarily sad. She is 17, recently divorced at the demand of her step
father, pregnant with her first child.
Her brother stole a large sum of money and her mother is being held by
the authorities to motivate his return to account for the lost money. The domino effect of the situation has struck
Amina as well. She is so disillusioned
by her old faith system, she no longer wants anything to do with it. She is
seeking a new life in Christ and is receiving discipleship training.
We are receiving very positive feedback on
providing ESL from the local community.
There has been an excellent response to the pre registration, for which
we are grateful.
Literacy, Hausa beginner books have come
available to us for free of charge. I
was able to share copies with Esther, the pastors wife who is also working with
literacy, and with Saratou in Galmi.
Blessings to all,
Grace and Orest Pelech