Yesterday the Minister of Health for Niger, plus an entourage of about 30 people visited Galmi Hospital. It was quite an event. Grace had to set up a reception for them, plus numerous people from the hospital. Most of the missionaries chipped in by making cakes for the event and providing refreshments. They set up a head table for the honored guests, there were speeches and even a local TV station had a camera crew on hand.
They were taken on a short tour of the hospital and the hospital redevelopment. They were able to see first hand the great work the medical team does here in Galmi. I believe one of the major issues that had to be resolved was the idea of where the funds for the hospital redevelopment are attained. All redevelopment funds come strictly from donor contributions, for which we are extremely grateful.
My wife - she saw that there was no signage behind the head table when pictures are taken so she came up with a plan. We then ran out and stripped off one of the magnetic Galmi Hospital signs from a vehicle. We scrounged around and found a decent piece of wood, found some tape, and made a sign. Worked out great.
When one considers that in the last year there were approximately 110,000 patients processed through Galmi Hospital, and when one looks at the extreme level of deterioration in this some 60 year old hospital, there is no doubt as to the need for the redevelopment. All of us here were called by God to serve the people of Galmi and we are so grateful to those who have contributed through prayer and finance, and continue to contribute, to the rebuilding of this hospital. Galmi Hospital is so vital to the total health needs of the people in this area of Niger.
On a totally different line of thought we are looking forward to this weekend as DB and some other missionaries are providing a Valentine's Day evening for Galmi couples. They are also doing this all again on another weekend for those who could not attend this weekend. So cool and such a blessing.
The other day Grace indicated that there is a total of 69 people on the Galmi compound - adults and children. Wow, that is a lot. No wonder Grace is so tremendously busy. Seems like this level of activity will remain for a while. Again, so grateful that Grace has the trike that was donated to us. This has been invaluable in her work.
Blessings to all of you.