John 3: 16 (NIV)

John 3:16 (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Arrived in Paris

We arrived at 9:45 am in Paris yesterday.   No delays due to weather, passed through customs without delay also.  Discovering Paris subway and bus systems.  It was a bit challenging moving our very large heavy bags up and down the platforms and staircases.  Arrived safe and just a bit tired at our accommodations in the suburb of Massy, Paris.  Very nice young man helped us with our walk up.  Grateful.  Visited the supermarche yesterday for breakfast items.  Could not find the milk in the refridgerator section.  Spotted "lait" on a sign of a regular aisle.  They seal pasturized milk in plastic containers that do not require refrigeration.  This farm girl thinks this is just wrong.  Understand the need given the small refrigeration systems most homes would likely have.  Sorry, too tired to take pictures yesterday, plan to take out the camera today.  It is almost 3 in the morning.  We retired at 5 pm yesterday.  I think it will take us some time to get our bodies to adjust to the time change.   It is giving us time to reflect on our goodbyes and the journey ahead.  Reflecting on by whom we are called to serve and the people we will be serving with,  and the reason we are serving in Galmi.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Galmi Address

Here is our address in Galmi:

Hopital de la SIM Galmi
BP 44 Madaoua
Republique du Niger, West Africa

Unlike what we are used to there is no postal or zip code.

Our emails remain the same:

You can skype us at:



Thursday, December 9, 2010

Name the Tricycle Contest

Some dear friends suggested we should name our trike.  So we thought it would be fun to make this a group project.  So until the end of January, we will accept submissions of names for the trike.  You may enter as many names as you wish.  We will make the final decision based on the most suitable name.  Please be creative and interesting.  You can go to the comment section below to submit you idea.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Whispers of Galmi, answered in Alberta

Early in November  we received an email, suggesting that a bike would be very beneficial for Grace's work.  Grace will typically be moving throughout the large mission residence compound daily.  We shared this suggestion with a wonderful couple P&S from the Garrington Community Church, and  their immediate response was to offer an adult tricycle. How perfect.  Thanks P&S.  They also shared how this trike was obtained in a load of scrap metal purchased by a brother who no longer wanted it. We then received a second email from Galmi reminding us that the bike should have a place for a basket and it should have a ladies style frame, because of the need to wear a skirt.  I looked at the trike again,  every detail is just as it should be.  It is a vintage 3 speed Sears, Free Spirit trike with power brakes on monkey bar handles.  Remember the banana bikes!!  On the frame behind the seat is an area to mount a basket when we arrrive at our destination.  Our friend and  former neighbor from Lloydminster just recently closed his bike shop amd has agreed to mount 2 inch tires and give it a tune up prior to being crated.   Our Lord is a God of details.

Surprises continue
We went to pick up the trike and the our surprises do not stop.  Gord re-evaluated the trike and made a decision that it would be better for us to take one of 2 bikes that they had not sold prior to closing the shop.  It would in fact also be a trike.  Also ladies style with a basket on the back.  And for the trike's long term care and maintenance, they gave us a bike chain cleaning kit and solution, with spare tire tubes and locking device.  Our Lord is a God of details.

We love how each gift was such a blessing and we pray we will bless many other people because of it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Time in Alberta is at the end. Heading to Manitoba

Today we packed up our van.  The bench is strapped to the roof of the van, and the back of the van in full.  We kind of look like the Hill Billies, going down the road.  We started out of Calgary at 3:30pm to day.  We quite at Medicine Hat.  Wind has picked up significantly and snow is drifting.  Thankful the #1 highway is 4 lane.  Pray for safe travels tomorrow.