John 3: 16 (NIV)

John 3:16 (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Friday, August 27, 2010

A message

From the stories of others who have become involved in mission work, we learn that the initial inner urgings often seem very subtle, hard to discern.  In fact, for most of us, the message really doesn't become clear until we act.  It is the process of taking action in response to the Holy Spirit's urging that often provides the real clarity.  Without responding, you'll probably never know.

-Tetsunao Tamamori

There is so much truth to the above passage.  Taking the time to pray and listen to God's whispers is vital in our lives.  Along with that is the willingness to make a rapid, joyous response.  Trust in the Lord always.

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.  - 2 Chronciles 16:9

Blessings to all of you

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Spaghetti Supper

I hope I spelled spaghetti correctly.

We are having a fundraiser on September 24, 2010.  The supper will be followed by a pie and cake auction. 

If you want to offer a pie or cake for the auction let us know.  Be imaginative in what you make.  Be traditional or not.  Have fun.  We appreciate any donations.

Hope to see a lot of people there.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Support a Missionary

We are in full deputation (fundraising) mode.

We need your help.

Thank you to our many supporters but we do need more of you. 

Our understanding is that, in general, for missionaries approximately 80% of supporters are individuals while the other 20% of supporters are churches.  So this means we need your help.

If you want to support us you can give a one time gift or a monthly gift. 

Monthly giving is just like you do when you adopt a child for $40.00 a month.  So if you want to give $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, $100.00 or more per month then please see the details below.

You can also make a one time offering of whatever amount you wish.

When you do make your decision remember to do so prayerfully.

If you want to make an online donation make us of this connection:

If you want to mail in a donation us this address:

SIM Canada
10 Huntingdale Blvd.
Scarborough, ON
M1W 2S5

Please use the following information:
Missionary name - Orest & Grace Pelech
Missionary # 030699

We also need prayer supporters.  This is absolutely vital to this mission call.  If you want to be a part of our prayer team then please contact us.

The rest of our contact information is on the side panel of this blog.

We do know that we will raise our support simply because God has called us to go to Africa. We also know this because of the many special God moments in our lives since the call was made.  We also know this because of the many amazing people we have met since the call.

We need you to partner with us.  Come be a part of this wonderful mission journey.

Blessings to all

Orest & Grace Pelech
SIM missionary appointees to Galmi Hospital in Niger, Africa

Home in Lloydminster

After our long, slow journey west we are finally home in Lloydminster.

We are so blessed by the great friends who have offered up their homes to us during this stay.

Dan & Michelle have been gracious enough to not only let us use their place but also temporarily store some of our 'stuff'  while we house hop. 

The joys of being homeless. 

The joys of people being on holidays.  We can just go from one place to the next.  It does get a bit confusing.  One month on the road in various locations and now house hoping in Lloydminster.  Waking up in the middle of the night can sometimes leave one a bit situationally challenged. 

We love it because it is all part of our mission journey.  We do it with great joy because God called us to the mission field.

As the Bible teaches - keep running the race with your goal clearly in sight.  Our goal is Niger Africa.

Blessings to all.

Global Leadership Summit

August 5-6  we got to go to the Global Leadership Summit in Edmonton along with a number of other folks from our home church.

Every time we go to this conference we find it to be exceptionally uplifting.  It not only teaches great leadership skills but also provides an enormous spiritual uplift.

Some of the speakers included T. D. Jakes, Bill Hybels, Tony Dungy, Jack Welch, Andy Stanley and:

A prominent Chinese economist, Dr. Zhao Xiao was commissioned by his government to study the success of the American economy. He concluded that a moral foundation allowed the economy to flourish, argued that China's economy would benefit from the spread of the Christian faith, and embraced Christianity himself. He continues to be a respected scholar and government advisor, speaking openly about the influence of Christianity on economics. Our first non-English speaking faculty member, he will lean on a gifted translator to share his thoughts on the relationship between morality and a market economy, the state of the Church in China, and the challenges of leadership as a Christian in a secular Communist country. - I found this guy very interesting.

Blake Mycoshi who is the founder and "chief shoe giver" of TOMS shoes.  This company gives away a pair of shoes for every shoe sold.  To date they have given away over 600,000 pairs of shoes.  Blake was very inspiring.

For more information check out the following site:

Highly recommend the conference to others to attend in the future.